Friday 3 January 2014

Atman is eternal and self-effulgent

           Light is necessary to see furniture in the dark room of a house, but to see the very light which illumines the furniture do we require any other light? We do not call for the aid of any other light to see the very sun that illumines all objects of the world; because the sun itself is illumination complete.
If we remove the furniture, etc. from the presence of light, light does not cease to exist. Similarly, even if all the objects in this world, if all our experiences in the waking, dream and deep sleep states have ended, even then, the Awareness shall keep on shining as ever before, because the Atman is eternal and self-effulgent. To know this source of all light, no other light is necessary. 
The outer world of objects is illumined as long as I am extrovert. The moment I turn inward and my attention is introvert, I realize that this Light alone is the real one which illumines all the experiences everywhere, not only in my own bosom, but in the entire world of beings. Whatever be the technique which we adopt, we are bound to realize this Reality if we faithfully follow the path laid down by the learned sages and experienced seers.

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