Saturday 28 December 2013


In the thick of life, in the work-a-day world, we are ever called upon to face problems and in these days of acute competition, every moment raises a new challenge to be solved by us. A smart young man has to pour out his best at all times in order to build his life, and later on to maintain the very life that has been built by him.  Both these need constant expenditure of his mental resources, drawing upon his intellectual stamina. This can be exhausting and weakening unless we regularly replenish the brain drain and refill the mental wastage.
Pujya Swami Chinmayananda
            Among the wondrous phenomena of this universe, the human system, which is self-repairing, appears to be a most unique machine. Give rest to the body, it will correct itself; hence naturopaths recommend long rest and fasting, there is no disease that the body cannot throw out by this direct method. Similarly, by giving ‘rest’ to the mind-intellect equipment, it will revive itself; hence ‘spirituo-paths’ (sages) recommend rest and meditation. There is no illness that the mind cannot shake off by this subtle process.
            For a few, but select moments, cheerfully and joyously learn to halt the mind from all its wandering in the usual realms of objects, emotions and thoughts. Taste the hush of a conscious inner quiet. Under such balmy quiet, the lacerated mind recovers and refills itself with a strange light and a new power. In quietude, our mind can bring forth for us ideas, solutions, remedies, original thoughts and endless creative ideas. Thus rendered whole, and therefore enriched and anointed with silence divine, let our minds stride forth every day to serve the world, which is nothing but our own Lord seen in the present play of our consciousness.

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